Huff Post Travel: Ready, Set, Go: How to Book a Last-Minute Trip

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My recent flight to Taiwan was booked at 10:45 a.m. and I left later that evening at 10 p.m. It didn’t seem odd to me to book and leave the same day for a vacation to Asia. My friends, however, were unable to fathom how I could pull together a trip so quickly. They wanted my “secret” tips and here they are:

Pick a single destination.
Selecting one city such as Seoul, Paris, London or Taipei is easier than a trip with multiple stops. There are no additional flights and only one hotel reservation is needed, although I usually prefer to switch accommodations mid-trip just to have another experience.

Keep your wardrobe, toiletries and travel gear on standby.
General pre-trip preparation is necessary. As Oprah said, luck is preparation meeting opportunity. A packing list is maintained on my computer. My travel clothes are used exclusively for vacations. They are always washed, ironed and ready to pack. Part of an outfit isn’t dirty in a laundry basket. My wardrobe is built around a single color scheme to ease packing and coordination. The same outfits are used each trip and are replaced as needed. The downside is that it looks like I am wearing a uniform in my vacation photos.